Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kumatoes on Toast

I have found a new addiction (and yes I have many with food)... black tomatoes... otherwise known as kumatoes. These black beauties have a dark green to brown tinge and possess an intensely sweet tomato flavour.

Previously quite rare, I've started noticing their appearance in growers markets as well as some supermarkets. And whilst just as versatile as its crimson cousin, I find that these tanned fellas are best eaten fresh sprinkled with sea salt which really accentuates the savoury sweetness of these delightful fruits.

I recommend the kumatoes simply sliced (then brought to room temperature for maximum flavour) and served on freshly toasted ciabatta smothered in butter. All that's left to do is a sprinkling of sea salt and possibly one of the best and healthiest breakfasts you could ever have is ready to be served!


PP July 1, 2009 at 1:26 PM  

nice one - my father in law grows his own and they are superb

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